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Maak kennis met Lena, Annika & Charlotte

Lena, Annika en Charlotte versterken ons internationale team! In september 2023 zijn zij gestart bij Effecty en staan garant voor een Duitse visie op jouw online marketing.

Mijn naam is Lena Rötter en ik ben 22 jaar oud. Ik kom uit Brüggen, dus net over de grens in Duitsland. Sinds september ben ik begonnen bij Effecty als Internationaal/Duitse Digital Marketeer. Daarvoor heb ik Marketing Management op Fontys in Venlo gestudeert. Tijdens mijn studie heb ik veel over marketing in zowel Nederland als Duitsland geleerd. Dit onderwerp vond ik heel interessant, dus kwam ik na mijn studie bij Effecty terecht. Mijn functie houdt het inrichten, optimaliseren, onderhouden en rapporteren van online marketing- en advertentiecampagnes in. Hierbij richt ik me specifiek op de Duitse markt.

Effecty geeft mij de mogelijkheid om veel over de marketing tussen Nederland en Duitsland te leren en tegelijkertijd mijn taalvaardigheden in het Nederlands te verbeteren.

In mijn vrije tijd ga ik vooral hardlopen bij Swift Atletiek in Roermond. Verder bezoek ik met vrienden ook een sportschool. Naast het sporten hou ik van het tekenen en schilderen of met vrienden af te spreken.

Vooral in de eerste weken bij Effecty merkte ik dat je hier heel veel kunt leren en dat er veel mogelijkheden bestaan om verder te groeien. Ik kijk uit naar een leuke samenwerking met mijn nieuwe collega’s en naar spannende uitdagingen.

My name is Annika, also known as Anni, and I am 22 years old. I was raised in a small town near Stuttgart, Germany, but moved to Venlo in 2021. I am studying International Business at Fontys University and am currently in my sixth semester.

I started to work for Effecty in October of 2022, but only for a few hours a week. However, in connection with my studies, I will join Effecty as a full-time intern until the end of 2023.

I will take on a role in our “new” German team. Together with Lena and Charlotte, we want to provide a better German insight to our existing customers and expand further into the German market.

I would describe myself as a very communicative, open-minded, enthusiastic, and loyal person. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family in my daily free time, playing games or just talking for hours. Besides that, I enjoy being in nature, reading books, and cooking.

If I have more time, I enjoy traveling around the world. I love to meet new people and learn about history and different cultures. Overall, I like to get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself. My favorite place is close to the ocean, where I can surf and scuba dive.

The company’s unique values and mindset initially drove me to apply at Effecty. I enjoy working in an environment that supports my personal and professional growth. So far, I have had the best time here and have met some fantastic and inspiring people.

I look forward to all the insights and life lessons I will learn from them.

My name is Charlotte Denecke, I’m 21 years old and live in Meerbusch, Germany. I started at Effecty on the 5th of September 2023 and will continue to do so until the end of January 2024. I am a student at Fontys University in Venlo, studying International Business. I just came back from my semester abroad in Indonesia. So, what brought me to Effecty? A friend of mine, Annika, was already working at Effecty and told me a lot about the company’s values and spirit. After conducting some more research, I decided to just take my chance and send out the job application form. As you are reading my introduction on Effecty’s website right now, I got a position as junior international marketeer. Together with Annika and Lena I will be forming the German Team, focusing on targeting German clients and, in general, adding the ‘German point of view’. Employing us is one of Effecty’s steps to become more culturally diverse in order to more specifically cater to the needs of international clients, especially German ones. I am looking forward to complementing Effecty with my knowledge and German perspective. I am also curious to learn about and further develop my strengths and weaknesses in the online marketing environment and how the agile working approach suits me.

In my free time, I enjoy exercising every once in a while. I love spending time in nature, preferably with animals, my boyfriend or my mom. For my evenings after work, I try to do something fun every day like exercising, self-care, board games, painting and more. I am trying to create a balance between work and life by actively doing things that will boost my serotonin level.

My time at Effecty has been very enjoyable so far, as I immediately felt welcome and treated like an equal. The working atmosphere is very comfortable and lunch breaks will mostly be taken together which helps me to get closer to the other employees outside of work as well. I can’t wait to learn more about the projects, challenge and develop myself.